Alianzo's last report, centered on the social presence of international leaders, shows that two Arabic politicians from small countries have an audience that exceeds the Facebook population of their states of origin. It's the case…
Will 2006 be the year of the wikis?
Last Tuesday I was asked to make the forecast for the year 2006 in the conference about social software organized by Juan Carlos González from eDonostia. I said that Microsiervos will beat Barrapunto (if the…
The importance of talking with your customers
In the business and institutional world, blogs are usefull for suppliers of services and products to get to know their clients a bit better, so that they can be faithfull to them and also innove.…
Blogs, social networks and the buzz economy
Very interesting article by James Torio about the blogosphere and the conversations in this field about commercial products. Torio starts his article explaining that the human being tends naturally to talk and tell things that,…
Google Base and social trade
Google?s strength in so different fields such as telephones, news, photography, blogs, E-mail or advertising is out of this world, unless we compare it to Microsoft in the mid 90?s. The latest innovation is Google…