At this year's DLD conference Facebook's and Google's algorithms, which have been abused by politically biased spammers, were the subject of several debates. Facebook's Elliot Schrage explained what they plan to do to solve this…
The Apparel Industry Has Almost 132 Million Unique…
Apparel Brands have always been characterised for a high investment in their offline communication campaigns, but how are they performing at an online level? We have carried out an study analysing the World's Top 11…
Bayer and Johnson & Johnson Capture 80% of…
We present you our last report about Pharmaceutical Companies taking into account their global profiles on Social Media during December 2014. The analysed companies have been selected regarding their turnover volume, and are the following…
Betting and Social Media: Paddy Power wins on…
We have done a report analysing the Top 10 Bookmakers on Social Media in December 2014. To select these companies of gambling, we select the main ones regarding their turnover. The ones that we choose for…