Spain is one of the countries of the world in which people spend more time on social networks. According to a recent study by comScore, a Spaniard spends an average of 5.3 hours every month on social networks, while world-wide it’s just 3.7.
Curiously, Russia and Brazil, two countries in which Facebook is not the main network, are the leading countries in terms of social networking. VKontakte wins in Russia and Orkut does so in Brazil. Another interesting data is that two thirds of the world internet users visit at least one social network every month. This rate has increased exponentially in the last months.
Top of social networks:
1. Russia: 6.6 hours per visitor
2. Brazil: 6.3
3. Canada: 5.6
4. Puerto Rico: 5.3
5. Spain: 5.3
6. Finland: 4.7
7. UK: 4.6
8. Germany: 4.5
9. USA: 4.2
10. Colombia: 4.1