One of the results of my last trip to Silicon Valley is that I have become addicted to Facebook. Now I need to know what my Facebook friends are doing every time I connect my computer. It’s going to take me some time to get rid of this addiction…
Am I jokin? Kind of. I just use this website much more than before, as I found it so useful when I had to find new friends and catch up with my old ones. It feels just like e-mail, the best addiction I got when I got to know the Internet. That’s why I am so afraid of Facebook being a private company. Nevertheless, it’s not technically an addiction as I can stop using for some time with no physical or psychological effects 😉
I advise you to read this great post by Laurel Snyder about how bad many people felt last week when there was a Twitter outage. This video of social media addicts is a promotion of Sony Vaio: