After buying social network Tuenti, Telefónica has become the 4th web property in Spain and the first one in terms of the minutes spent per visitor every month (what experts call “engagement with users”). Telefónica’s sites (mainly Terra and Tuenti) had 15.7 million unique visitors in March and each visitor spent an average of 321.2 minutes, more than Microsoft (288.5) or Facebook (181.6).
Despite Tuenti’s high engagement, Facebook still ranked as the top social network in Spain in March, with 15.7 million unique visitors and a 66.8 percent reach of the market. Overall, Social Networking as a category saw significant gains in penetration over the past year, from 78.7 percent to 95.7 percent of all Spanish Internet users.
Top properties in Spain:
1. Microsoft sites (including Messenger): 23.5 million unique visitors
2. Google (including Youtube): 22.2
3. Facebook: 15.7
4. Telefónica: 14
5. Yahoo: 13.6
6. Schibsted (including Infojobs and 20 Minutos): 10.4
7. Wikipedia: 9.8
8. Vocento: 8.9
9. RCS (including El Mundo and Marca): 8.5
10. Prisa (including El País): 8.5