In Alianzo we don’t always repond to users’s queries the same way. Our answer depends a lot on the message we are receiving from them, the social network (don’t compare Twitter‘s 140 characters to Facebook‘s friendliness) and whether the user is sending a private or a publicly seen message. What we always do is respond as fast as possible and with as much empathy and humor as we can use.
We get lots of queries from users who think they are not being ranked appropiately. Some of them are very angry. We had one of those from Argentina who stressed, in capital letters, that we were mixing apples with oranges. We answered: “Why don’t we create a delicious fruit macedonia?”. He laughed and followed our profile.
In either case, customer care on social media can be very helpful, besides being very cheap for brands. We try to convert sceptic users into followers and critical people into ones that are highly supportive and enthusiastic with our product. We try to motivate users who approach us and show them that our software product or is backed by humans with a soul just as big as theirs.
We have also encountered several influential users by first helping them using our tools. Many of them were in Colombia, a country in which we had no visibility before and which has become one of our top markets worldwide. Customer care is part of our marketing work for us.