Lately, influence on the Internet is being a much commented topic, since the two rankings created by El Mundo and the AUI, that incluye 25 and 35 internauts respectively, were published. The classifications have generated a debate about those who haven?t been included, and those who shouldn?t be there. I guess it is just the way it must be and I won?t argue about that. But something that has surprised me is that, despite all the tools that technology offers us, these rankings are based on questionnaires where the selection of people and the pre-selection of the candidates are very subjective.The links, the external references and the position of Google are the real measurers of influence in the society of information. These are the criteria that we take into account to create the blog ranking of Alianzo. It is obvious that the lists of influence are starting to be changed by the entrance of bloggers.Who was influential until now? It wasn?t the politicians, who are practically the persons to be influenced, but all the people between the society and the public authorities. In many occasions, this job is carried out in unknown meetings where ?plumbers? and other characters with more or less fame take part.Other times, the mediator is known: a journalist with lost of fans (readers or viewers) or a businessman (artist, company owner or similar) who deals with the authorities. Their influence depends on how much a politician would change his agenda according to their opinions.Obviously, Ramírez, Iñaki Gabilondo or Federico Jiménez Losantos are the most influential people in Spain. Some of them are especially influential in the Internet because of their tools online, such as Libertad Digital and El Mundo. Arsenio Escolar (20 Minutos) is behind them, but he is gaining positions thanks to his blogs.Blogs are changing this landscape, although still very slowly. Why? Basically, because the vast majority of blogs are of no importance from a political point of view. They are influential when it comes to technology. But there are more and more exceptions. Let?s analyse them:1. Nacho Escolar. There is no doubt that he is the most influential blogger in this country, and also the only one that appears in the list of the AUI, the newspaper El Mundo and the Top 10 of Alianzo. Actually, his success was born from an event that had a very big political importance: the 3/11 terrorist attacks. His influence is bigger if we take into account the network of digital journalists around him and Pepe Cervera.2. Enrique Dans. His influence in digital economy goes beyond his blog, because Dans also writes for Libertad Digital and written newspapers. What is more, he even is the blogosphere?s spokesman in many interviews by other journalists. Some time ago, Alfons Cornellá used to do this job, but he is finding hard to enter the blogosphere.3. Martín Varsavsky. The Fon revolution is more about politics (business politics, if you like) than about technology. Some people do even suspect that Varsavsky will be president one day, either in Spain or Argentina.4. José Luis Orihuela and Alvaro Ibáñez?s Microsiervos. Their eCuaderno and Microsiervos have some technological touches, but there is no doubt that they?ve got a great influence in the blogosphere. They are, somehow, the official writers of the blog scene.5. Juan Varela. Varela, there?s no doubt about it, spreads his influence among journalists, who are the first influence on the people. Their direct influence may very limited, but the indirect one is unstoppable. But watch out! The competence in this field is fierce.6. Víctor Domingo, Angel Cortés and Miguel Pérez Subías. They are not bloggers technically speaking, but the Web sites and articles of both associations are followed by all those who are interested in what is happening on the Internet. The late Mikel Amigot used to control exclusively this field in the past.7. David Rojo. PeriodistaDigital not only is a blog among blogs, but it also has a unique list of subscribers, envied by the main communication agencies in the country. It is surprising that its name doesn?t normally appear in the pools. The explanation may be that some affairs of Mr. Rojo have cost him his good reputation in certain fields.8. Javi Moya and Torbe. Their influence is as big as Javier Sardá?s among those Spanish who used to watch TV after 12. Scandal and taboo are their weapons. Their influence is proportional to their ability to write about super-erotic topics.9. David Bravo. He is the most influential lawyer in one of the most disputed fields in the Spanish blogosphere in 2005. His influence depends on his ability to extend his network beyond copyright. The excellent Carlos Sánchez Almeida, unfortunately, shows his skills in this ground once in a blue moon.10. Víctor Ruiz and Javier Candeira. The first one is the omnipresent blogger in Barrapunto, where Candeira also swarms around, among other places. The future of this blog (and the influence of both men) will depend on whether they put the technological field aside and deal with more down-to-Earth topics. Recently, some have started to think that Barrapunto won?t last long.