US$21 million investment in Fon has shown that blogs are something else that a tool to write about personal experiences. Fon’s founder Martin Varsavsky, who defines himself as a “blogadict”, blogged the whole process of creation of this new company: from the initial idea to the forming of its Board. He has even hired those people who answered, via his blog, to his recruitment demands.Some board members and employees belong to Fon just because they are successful bloggers: Alvy, Joi Ito, Kirai, Eduardo Arcos or Mario Amartino. Even the new CEO was hired after contacting with Martin Varsavsky thru his blog. I can also remember Varsavsky trying to convince Ethan Zuckermann or Rebecca MacKinnon during Les Blogs, in Paris.Last but not least. The official announcement of the investment was done thru two blogs: Varsavsky’s and Skype’s. What is more, blogs were the first place were the news started to run, long before traditional press, which took some 24 hours to react.Fon has shown blog’s capacity to make marketing and to innovate. Keys for success were given out by Varsavsky while announcing the investment: “The success of FON, like the success of all online communities depends on many people joining”.This also means that customers’, employees’ and providers’ catching can be done with the help of this new market. So we can say good by to press ads and many intermediaries that don’t create much value. In order to arrive to the customer, We can also say hello to buzz marketing and new technics which are cheaper and more democratic.(Note: Alianzo is a provider of Fon)Here are some images which show the enormous attention received by Fon these last days: