Nowadays anyone can own a blog but being different from others is so difficult. 828 posts are published with Wordpress each minute! Here you can see the ranking of the best bloggers in the world.…
Tim O’Reilly thinks blogs’ role has been exaggerated
I spent quite some hours with Tim O'Reilly last Thursday in Bilbao and Vitoria, where he came to give a conference about Web 2.0. He has one of the clearest minds I have ever seen,…
?? ??? ??Blog
I was astonished when I found today this blog in the the first position of Technorati?s ranking. And it?s not an error, but a graphic problem with the recognition of Chinese characters (my computer can't…
Political blogs in the Spanish paper, El Correo
Today I?ve been mentioned by Olatz Barriuso in an article published in El Correo about politicians and blogs. I really liked the quick review of this blogosphere formed by members of the parliament and some…
The dark side of the blogosphere
I've read today in El País Negocios (section devoted to business in the Spanish paper) an exhaustive review by Patricia Fernández de Lis of "La blogosfera hispana" ('The Hispanic Blogosphere'), of which I'm a co-author.…
Blogs and wikis to generate more sales
The sale of products or services has always been associated with chatterboxes and people with a never ending power to generate illusion on buyers. Some say that ?the best salesman is the one who sells…
What do bloggers talk about with a pint…
Last Monday, we presented a new book titled "La blogosfera hispana" (?The Hispanic blogosphere?, available in PDF and PDA), surrounded by deputies, senators, journalists, businessmen, many bloggers and with the presence of France Télécom. There…
How to make money out of blogs
This is a question that more than one person asked me during Blogak 2.0: ?Does your company create blogs?" So, what do you live from?? It?s normally assumed that blogs are free-of-charge webs that can…
Bloggers’ female fans
When I still had acne, I remember being jealous of football players and singers; they were always surrounded by pretty girls: their fans. One day, when I was studying at University, I started to feel…