Nowadays anyone can own a blog but being different from others is so difficult. 828 posts are published with Wordpress each minute! Here you can see the ranking of the best bloggers in the world.…
Where does ?microsano? come from?
Probably, 'Microsano? is the most searched word in the whole Internet for a few hours now. Technorati says that, at least, it is the most wanted term in the blogosphere, gaining positions to politics, economics,…
Buzz marketing in Capital
Lately, I?m keeping a close eye on buzz marketing, a phenomenon I have always been very interested in, above all, currently with the competition in HazRuido. The magazine Capital includes an article about buzz marketing…
A political party 2.0
French magazine 01netanalyzes the current technological revolution in the UMP, the majority party in the French Parliament. The President, Jacques Chirac, and the Interior Minister, Nicolás Sarkozy, are some of its members. The organisation is…
Blogs and influence
Lately, influence on the Internet is being a much commented topic, since the two rankings created by El Mundo and the AUI, that incluye 25 and 35 internauts respectively, were published. The classifications have generated…
Populicious, the most popular link in
I had never talked about Populicious, a tool that makes web rankings based on the favourites webs of It?s very interesting. But the fact that it was created by a Spanish man, Xabi Vázquez,…
The biggest meme in Spanish history: ‘Microsano’ becomes…
What the hell is 'Microsano'? This question is being asked today by English-speking Technorati users. They are seeing a strange word becoming the most searched all around the world, even more than 'iran', 'alito' or…
Blogs and the politic revolution
The interview that Nacho de la Fuente made to José Luis Orihuela in La Coruna was very interesting. The lecturer at the University of Navarre includes the phenomenon of the blogs in a bigger "revolution":…
Blogger meets blooger in a flight and blogs…
Lately, the trend seems to be to talk about bloggers in planes. This time, our main character is Jean Michel Billaut, a French pensioner, who met Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz, a Spanish businessman, in a flight. And,…