Many of you will probably have heard about it but I would like to talk to you about TED. It is a non-profit organization whose slogan is “Ideas worth spreading”. Each year, two different conferences…
Social Networks everywhere
The social networking phenomenon is having an increasingly important and fast growth. This influence has also reached TV. In recent years, the TV has change its conventional pillars. Anywhere, anytime and anyone are values and…
McDonald’s beats Burger King on social media
Recently, the Twitter profile of Burger King has been hacked by the account of Anonymous. In Alianzo, related with this, we have done a special ranking of fast food world chains to discover the level…
Spanish bank Sabadell will crowdsource its employees’ ideas
Spanish bank Banco Sabadell has launched an online tool, BS Idea, so that its employees can crowdsource their ideas. The question is now if people will actually use it. They think so and show some…
Starbucks is the most engaged brand on the…
I am happy to read that Starbucks, one of our customers, is the most engaged brand on the Web. This top was developed by Charlene Li analyzing data from blogs, Facebook, twitter, wikis and discussion…
Cisco’s enterprise 2.0 strategy and what it has…
I attended yesterday a conference by Alan Cohen, Cisco's Vice President of Enterprise and Mid-Market Solutions. He tried to explain why Cisco is investing so much, at the same time, on Enterprise 2.0 products (WebEx…
The European Commission wants to know the potential…
The European Commission has opened a tender on Enterprise 2.0. It wants a consultancy to study which are the actual and potential for the information society in promoting the development and usage of enterprise 2.0.…
The future of collaboration, according to Cisco
The Future of CollaborationView more presentations from padmasree. Nothing new. Just a couple of interesting sentences: "Organizations without boundaries will drive the next wave of productivity" & "Collaboration is more critical than ever".
Folders or labels?
Have tags really improved our life? I am never sure. Most of the users of a site don't really understand tags. Besides, the ones who understand them don't use them in the same way. Some…