Did you know that you can only follow 5,000 people on Linkedin? Is it enough? This is one of Linkedin's data that you probably did not know and that we have compiled for you. Read…
Banks’ Social Media experts prefer Twitter for both,…
Who are the professionals that plan the social media strategies of the largest banks in the world? And above all, how do they do on their own social networks? In Alianzo we were wandering about…
Map of Social Media (2015 edition)
We have been updating the Map of Social Media periodically (see 2009 and 2011 editions) and a lot has changed since the last time.Instagram and instant messaging systems such as Whatsapp have become more relevant…
World’s Top Social Networks
Of the 15 top social networks worldwide, only two are not based in the US or China. They are Japanese messaging app LINE and Russian social network Odnoklassniki, which is part of DST, also one…
World Map of top professional networks: Linkedin, Xing…
We are ranking brands and people on French professional social network Viadeo since last week, even though one year ago Linkedin surpassed Viadeo's audience in its home country. This means that there is only one…
Changes to Twitter and Linkedin factors
We have made some changes to some of the factors of our Twitter and Linkedin rankings. As of Twitter we are now taking into account all retweets from the last 40 tweets which are not…
Linkedin’s influencers in Alianzo’s score
We have added Linkedin's influencers to our score, so that people considered expert or leader in a field by Linkedin are also measured on Alianzo. We use data such as views per post, comments or…
Improvements on Alianzo’s LinkedIn algorithm
You may have noticed that our LinkedIn ranking has changed a lot lately. You are right! We have been working to improve our algorithm and make it more objective. Read More