The year is getting over so this is a good time to remember what happened on social networks. These are the main trends that we went through during 2015 and which do also mark the…
2014-2015 Champions’ League: English teams rule on Social…
Arsenal FC, Chelsea FC and Liverpool FC are the three English football teams that have played the 2014-2015 Champions League. According to Alianzo Rank's algorithm, they also follow the best social media strategy and among…
Banks’ Social Media experts prefer Twitter for both,…
Who are the professionals that plan the social media strategies of the largest banks in the world? And above all, how do they do on their own social networks? In Alianzo we were wandering about…
Map of Social Media (2015 edition)
We have been updating the Map of Social Media periodically (see 2009 and 2011 editions) and a lot has changed since the last time.Instagram and instant messaging systems such as Whatsapp have become more relevant…
World’s Top Social Networks
Of the 15 top social networks worldwide, only two are not based in the US or China. They are Japanese messaging app LINE and Russian social network Odnoklassniki, which is part of DST, also one…
Hamilton leads on social networks
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Social Networks everywhere
The social networking phenomenon is having an increasingly important and fast growth. This influence has also reached TV. In recent years, the TV has change its conventional pillars. Anywhere, anytime and anyone are values and…
McDonald’s beats Burger King on social media
Recently, the Twitter profile of Burger King has been hacked by the account of Anonymous. In Alianzo, related with this, we have done a special ranking of fast food world chains to discover the level…
Badoo is the most abandoned social network among…
19% of Spain's Internet users who left a social network during 2012 (50% of total users of social networks) abandoned Badoo. This is the highest among all social networks, even more than Hi5 (14%), Tuenti…