The year is getting over so this is a good time to remember what happened on social networks. These are the main trends that we went through during 2015 and which do also mark the…
Kinnernet’s conclusions
Yesterday Kinnernet was over and had a party in Tel Aviv. We are today in The Marker, which is the main Internet congress in Israel. The format is quite weird: round tables with experts that…
LeWeb3: The power of Google
Google did not need to sponsor LeWeb3. It was mentioned by most of the speakers. Google is everywhere. It has become too powerful. One of the speakers even asked how many people did not use…
Social networks are the future… but in a…
I admit I read with interest all the publications about mobile social networks (Mo So Sos, Mobile Social Software) because they are the field where this kind of systems will gain popularity in. Even here,…
Murdoch buys another social network has followed MySpace. Rupert Murdoch, who nearly missed the Web 1.0 train, doesn?t want to let the 2.0 go without him and he?s bought another social network. The information is given by Enrique Dans,…
Most MSN bloggers are women
Most MSN Space bloggers are young women of around 18. This is what Víctor Ruiz comments in the Blogs and Communications Media Conferences (Jornadas de Bitácoras y Medios de Comunicación) in Granada, where I?ll take…, another social network
When a pay-to-use service becomes free, something is not right. It?s the case of, a web through which people get in touch with ex-Uni or college mates that, until last month, required credit card…
Google Base and social trade
Google?s strength in so different fields such as telephones, news, photography, blogs, E-mail or advertising is out of this world, unless we compare it to Microsoft in the mid 90?s. The latest innovation is Google…
International Social Network Conference
From February 16th to 20th the International Sunbelt Social Network Conference is to be held in Redondo Beach, California.