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McDonald’s beats Burger King on social media
Recently, the Twitter profile of Burger King has been hacked by the account of Anonymous. In Alianzo, related with this, we have done a special ranking of fast food world chains to discover the level…
Mr. Arrington, I also want a TechCrunch50 recognition
The post that TechCrunch's Michael Arrignton wrote about Jason Calacanis's threat to sue them for launching a new competitor for TechCrunch50 startup competition, really called my attention. It was extremely personal (this type of things…
Should journalism be just a hobby?
One of the last meetups I attended in Silicon Valley was by Tom Foremski, former columnist of The Financial Times, at the Jewish High Tech Community. He left his job as a paid journalist to…
Extortion 2.0 and my frustration with Web 2.0
I have the impression that Web 2.0 is getting very similar to what old media looked like. Marketing is pushing in the most horrible practices and honesty is abandoning us. Some bloggers are getting paid…
The 10 new laws of Cyberspace
As social networks are increasing its use and social media get most of the traffic on the Internet, scientists are developing new theories which explain how the Cyberspace work. Some of them, as the long…
What do companies use Web 2.0 for?
The Economist Intelligence Unit has a very interesting report on the use of Web 2.0 tools inside companies ("Web 2.0 goes corporate"). The conclusion is that almost everybody believes these technologies have a potential to…
My 2009 predictions
It's time to put my finger on the air and throw up some tech predictions for 2009. As always, I will try to concrete them all, so that my chances of mistaking myself will be…
eBay is the fastest growing brand in the…
eBay is a model company, as it holds inside some of those things we talk about day after day: viral marketing, collaboration, P2P, users' networks, contents filtering... that is, social software. And eBay is not…