If there is something that the recent multimillionaire investment in Fon has proved it is that blogs can be used for something more than telling personal stories. Varsavsky blogged the whole creation of this new business: from the initial idea to the administration board or its evolution in the market. He did even hire those who answered to his job offers through the blog.And some of the managers and employees are there thanks to the success of the blog: Alvy, Joi Ito, Kirai, Eduardo Arcos or Mariano Amartino. One of the extremist example is the general director’s, who contacted Fon directly via Varsavsky’s blog. I still remember when the Argentinean businessman attracted bloggers like Ethan Zuckermann or Rebecca MacKinnon in the depths of ‘Les Blogs‘ in Paris.And to polish this strategy, Google, Skype or eBay’s investment was officially announced in two blogs: Varsavksy’s and Skype’s. What’s more, these blogs were the first to publish the news, while newspapers (at least in Spain) reacted 24 hours later, when the piece of news wasn’t an exclusive anymore.Fon has clearly showed us how blogs are capable of doing marketing and innovating. The secret was unveiled by Varsavsky himself when he made the investment public: “Sharing information is one of the most powerful reasons that human beings have to live in communities”.That is to say that attracting clients, workers and even suppliers is possible in a new market that consists on an easy-to-update, direct and participative Web page. Say good bye to ads in papers and to the loads of mediators that don’t contribute anything and welcome viral marketing and those techniques that are cheaper and more democratic to reach the clients.(Note: Alianzo supplies Fon).These are some images that show the great attention that Fon’s Web page has received lately: