The ‘Google Groups‘ service has been letting us access to Usenet newsgroups? contents and create our own discussion groups for years.In order to grade the relevance of these groups? contents while searching, Google looks for matches between documents and terms (example), but now the company is offering the users the option of grading the usefulness of other people?s comments in a range from 1 to 5 stars.For example, in this thread we can both answer and grade the comment according to our opinion about how useful it is. This way, Google will be able to offer organisedresults based on the subjective utility of the contents.This is the first time that Google allows users to grade the data in its servers. Yahoo! has been offering this service for months with ‘My Web 2.0‘ ?which has just been updated – where we can, for instance grade a restaurant where we had gone for diner.Some weeks ago, I mentioned that Google finds it difficult to function as a social tool, by implementing it in the Web pages. Actually, its search engine has always been social, since the relevance of the results is based on a ?link from one page to another one, which equals the vote that someone gave to a document?; but currently the WWW offers tools that help to classify the information by taking into account not only the HTML hyperlinks, but also ‘digeos‘ or ‘meneos‘.