Not long ago, two rankings about the most influential people in Spain were published. They are lists of politicians, businessmen, journalists, sportsmen and people that work in other cultural fields. One of the rankings even included some Internet users. But the strange thing is that despite new social networks are appearing on the Internet, they haven?t been taken into account.It?s true that tools like LinkedIn, OpenBC or eConozco are basically aimed at the professional field, plus they are quite new in Spain and it?s very difficult to distinguish between the quantity and the quality of their contacts, but we still can draw some conclusions:- Consultants, especially those who work for international IT companies such as Accenture, DiamondCluster, McKinsey or Deloitte, have the greatest amount of contacts in these social networks. LinkedIn, the most important network worldwide, is the best example.- There are many freelancers and jobseekers, as if being part of a social network only was interesting when one needs help. This is to say that the proverb ?you have to give in order to receive? is not very popular among social networks.- There also are too many former Business students, especially in LinkedIn.- Many people that could take advantage of these networks don?t do so, for example Pepe Cervera, Nacho Escolar, Javier Candeira, Juan Varela, David Rojo or Víctor Domingo, not to mention politicians or civil servants. Many of the most influential bloggers are not there either, although some other take part in Orkut. However, this networks has been stuck for one year.- There is a group of people whose list of contacts is increasing in at least two of the social networks; I?ll mention the most influential people: Pablo Alvarez, Martín Varsavsky, Sixto Arias, Rubén García, Rodolfo Carpintier, Julián de Cabo, David Carrero, Hernán Rodríguez, Jesús Alonso, Miguel Angel Acosta, Angel Aranda, Ildefonso Mayorgas, Jaume d’Urgell, Julio Alonso, Enrique Dans, Sonia Fernández, Alvaro Ibáñez, Sonia Armengol, Guillermo Montes, Miguel Villanueva o Carolina Miyata. I?d like tohighlight the case of Pablo Alvárez, a GE consultant that I had never heard of before.- My favourite network from all those that I have analysed is OpenBC, because of the quality of its contacts; it has got the highest number of networkers, people that take part in the network because they want to make the most of it, instead of just having their names written down on a list. LinkedIn seems to be the international network par excellence, which is partly provoked because it doesn?t have a Spanish version. Finally, in my opinion, eConozco is excessively focused in Barcelona.These are the Spanish people with the biggest amount of contacts in each network:In LinkedIn:1. Juan Ros (investment analyst for BBVA): 8592. Pablo Alvarez (GE consultant): 6283. Guillermo Montes (Instituto de Empresa Business School): 5904. Sonia Armengol (Vida Software): 5905. Jaume d’Urgell (Kuax Consulting): 5246. Rudy De Waele (Random One): 5197. Luiz Vianna (Siebel): 4768. José Joaquín Alvarez de Perea (Novasoft): 4169. Conor Neill: 40210. Manuel Rocamora: 399In OpenBC:1. Rubén García (ThursdayInternet): 7962. Sixto Arias (OpenBC representative in Spain): 7233. Carlos Blanco (ITnet): 5274. Pablo Alvarez (GE consultant): 2725. Emilio Márquez ( David Carrero ( 1467. Ramón Acín (Ibercapital): 1128. Mar Monsoríu (Latencia): 1089. Rodolfo Carpintier (Baquía): 10410. Martín Varsavsky: 102In eConozco:1. Juli Boned (UPC): 2762. Aída Pena: 1993. Albert Armengol (eConozco): 1934. Sergio Montoro (KnowGate): 1615. Enrique Dans (Instituto de Empresa Business School): 1276. Rafa Montoya (Telefónica Móviles): 1277. Miguel Villanueva (Click Software): 1198. Asier Lucea (eConozco): 1129. Jordi Ferrer (IBM): 10910. Toni Salvatella (eConozco): 106