“SMS are going to disappear in 5 years”. This is the most interesting quote I got from Mobile Monday Silicon Valley, a monthly event which gets around 300 people together in San Francisco or Palo Alto. This time the subject was as popular as the monetisation of the mobile web.
It’s a pity I have never felt so attracted by mobile phones, as this is a field in which people make a lot of money. But it’s clear that there are more people interested in meetups about the mobile web than about the fixed web. Why? Probably the (so far) easier monetisation has a lot to do.
AdMob, the company in which Ali Diab, the guy who said that SMS are going to die, works as VP of Product, is making a lot of money with mobile ads. There were also some interesting thoughts about how digital products are starting to be sold on mobile platforms. Nothing too different from what happens on the fixed Web. By the way, Orange has admitted losing revenues from SMS messages in Spain because of the competition from social networks.
So here is the interview I made with Kate Imbach, the organizer of this event. She came all the way from Boston!