has followed MySpace. Rupert Murdoch, who nearly missed the Web 1.0 train, doesn?t want to let the 2.0 go without him and he?s bought another social network. The information is given by Enrique Dans, who regrets his lack of time to analyse the purchase. I?ll try to do it myself.
In the first place, is a very simple tool, similar toGoogle, for job-hunting. One characteristic that differentiates it from Google is that it includes a system of alerts and recorded searches and it gives us the possibility of valuing job offers.Another aspect that makes it attractive is that has an agreement with LinkedIn, a professional network to find acquaintances who already dowork for a company where you want to apply for a job. In relation to revenues, counts on a pay-per-click system, very similar to Google Adsense. This network is, therefore, a quick and clever way of making profitable.
Unlike other job sites, it doesn’t have its own information;’s offers are taken from classified ads, company webs (preferably if they have the corresponding RSS feed with a XML that the company proposes) and other trackable pages. So is a thematic aggregator, a good imitation of Bloglines, but with a touch of Technorati.
Another advantage is how it uses Web 2.0 technologies. counts on a RSS, a blog, a forum and it uses Ajax very cleverly; a good example is when the network checks that the user name in the registration form is available, which is, by the way, the classic mistake in many registration forms.Enrique, we’ll talk about Facebook another day; I don’t have time to write anymore today. However, I wrote about it the day before yesterday.