With all this new trend of measuring the influence, success, popularity, notoriety (or as everyone likes to call it)it is very important to communicate users what are your results based on to tell someone his brand is more influential than his competitors or that he is better doing than his good blogger friend. So in an attempt to be as transparent as possible we will tell you the basis of our algorithms:
Alianzo Rank: it is the sum of points obtained in the 4-generated rankings: blogs, twitter, facebook and youtube. he score is always shown in an integer from 1 to 10, like the spanish marks. Before you were told how your you were doing at school, now this is the your social media mark. To generate this ranking, the four social medias have the same weight, so if you are not present in one of them, you are 25% less likely to increase your ranking position.
Top Blogs: The art of measuring the blogs and links has changed and we have adapted to it. Now our ranking includes the number of links from Google blogs, from all pages of Google, subscribers to Google Reader links on Yahoo!, the votes on Digg, Alexa position (only if ti has his own domain) and votes on Digg. We consider a web page as a blog when it contains news and comments in chronologial order (last goes first). Besides, it can include RSS, user comments and other usual (but not essential) features.
Top Twitter: This ranking calculates the notoriety of a twitter profile based on all data that offers us this social network: number of followers, number of tweets, number of retweets, number of mentions, number ofreplies , number of lists including a profile and finally the popularity (or the difference between followers and followings).
Top Facebook : our ranking of this massive network collects the number of fans + the activity.The activity is the number of comments, likes and shares of the last 10 posts. The total of the two parameters is added up and given a score based on a logarithmic mean.
Top Youtube: we take the number of views and subscribers to the channel, the number of videos uploaded and comments on the videos, favorite videos and the number of channels that are contacts.
The calculation is executed daily but much of the data only comes once a week, so the variation of positions in the ranking is updated weekly. We ask you for a little patience, the more profiles update, additional adjustments will be calculated by the algorithm 😉
If you have any question or suggestion about our measurement procedure, leave a comment: