Web 2.0 is in fashion, but many people claim that it is doesn’t mean anything. It is a term that gathers several technological novelties that have happened in the Internet and that are worthless if they are not combined: Blogs, social networks, wikis, RSS, Ajax, tags, Google Maps and other words that are shaping the Web -the Web 2.0.Dion Hinchcliffe, who manages a blog about Web 2.0, offers some pieces of advice about how to use the it, and I?ve found them very appropriate:1. Make people take part only if they get something in exchange. The typical example are Webs’ directories: people include new webs because others can enter them.2. Make the contents editable; wikis are the best way.3. Let unexpected things happen; they normally happen through APIs (as Flickr or Google Maps predict). The results are called mash-ups.4. Offer quick interactive experiences; Ajax is the best way.5. Offer as many web services as possible (basically feeds).6. Let your users create themselves a reputation by their contributions in Web 2.0. It’s all about visibility and responsibility.7. Let others enrich your contents, for example, with comments, tags or votes (like in Digg).8. Let your users reuse your contents (through copyleft licenses).9. Reuse other services without any constrain.10. Create little pieces of software that you can paste afterwards.