We have published a ranking of Spanish blogs. It is a list made starring from an algorithm which processes and weights the data obtained from services such as Technorati, Google, Yahoo!, Alexa and Bloglines. This tools offer information such as links that receive the blogs from other blogs and web sites, the number of visitors or the amount of people subscribed to their feeds. The list is based on the mark given to each service after taking all this into account.We try to make the ranking as accurate as possible, and we want it to offer an objective vision of which are the most popular blogs, so that everybody has a gist of what is the tendency and which blogs are more likely to create an opinion or start a discussion in the ‘blogosphere’.Naturally, we shouldn’t forget about the tens of thousands of blogs in Spain, written by very gifted bloggers who have taken advantage of the functionality of these tools to comment on anything that occurs to them. For example, Telita writes a blog about the doubts that raise at 15, and thousands of teenagers use ‘MSN Spaces’ to create their own blogs.But there also are lots of people who want to know which of these blogs could have a greater influence among the internauts. That’s why we have created this ranking, which we aim to update once a month with an automatic system. Technorati, Yahoo! and Bloglines are updated very often; Google and Alexa are normally a bit ‘lazier’. Therefore, we guess that we’ll be able to know the variations in the blogs’ popularity every 30 days.We only show the first fifty in the list, but you’ll find more in our database. At the moment, it doesn’t make any sense to publish the rest of the classified services because the differences in their marks are so small, they mingle with the margin of error of our algorithm.You’ll find much more information in the FAQ; and, of course, don’t hesitate to contact us for any suggestion.

just read your update about the spanish blogosfera (http://www.elmundo.es/navegante/2006/07/07/esociedad/1152263936.html)
and had a look at the actual ranking. It is true: if you have a look at the 10 or 15 most important blogs you know everything about the spanish blogosfera.