The Digg model is not working very well in Europe, at least in terms of money. The real time web, mainly Facebook and Twitter, and the crisis are hurting it. To death some times, as happened with the French Digg-like site Scoopeo, which is closing down.
The Spanish Digg-like site Menéame is not doing much better, even though Fon’s king Martin Varsavsky bought a stake two years ago. Its traffic rank in Alexa has been dropping since the beginning of the year and a group of users revolted last week after administrators banned some users who were supposedly trying to nail the system.
The big reaction sparked by this case has also a very positive side. Not just because its administrators have learnt a lot from it, but also because it shows how important this site has become in terms of redirecting traffic. Many sites need Menéame to survive. Unfortunately, Menéame has not yet found a way to monetize the traffic it’s sending to third sites. But it should come.
So where should Digg-like sites go in Europe? I always thought they should create social networks together with news sources. In fact, it would be very easy for them to develop social platforms of news junkies which they could later personalize for any news source interested in developing a closer relationship with its readers.
Alexa is spyware and menéame users are smart people! 🙂
Here you can see +25% traffic since the beginning of the year:
(Google Analytics says last month 2,3M unique visitors)
Thanks, Benjamí. You are right: Alexa is not very reliable.
meneame sux, it isn’t a called 2.0 web, is a 1.0 web with their admins, and censorship (banday 2009 for more info).
In your text you say that :
has not yet found a way to monetize the traffic it’s sending to third sites
Do you thing they want pay to third sites? You not know who is this guy :))) they have more than 8 milion Euros of cash and they dont know how?? my god.
Please be more informed on your next article.Who is the next? another autocalled “guru” like enrique dans??
@My Name: Third sites should pay Menéame for all the traffic it’s bringing to them. I don’t know what you mean by 8 million euros of cash. I really doubt that Menéame has much money.
ok Jose A. del Moral I didn’t understand so well :)) We must pay to meneame to publish content, that is? ok good future for meneame, pay to publish OUR articles.. very good future :))))))))))))
And about the 8 millions… read this:
I think for your name you speak spanish:
Según la información del Registro mercantil de Menéame Communications, público y legal su publicidad para todo ciudadano, la empresa JAZZYA INVESTMENTS S.L. participa en la gestión de la empresa, tiene su domicilio social en Madrid y un resultado en el último año de (atentos): 8.938.792,1 euros.
now what?
As far as I know, Jazzya Investments is the holding of Martin Varsavsky and it has a small stake in Meneame. Nothing wrong with that. One thing is Meneame and Jazzya is a different thing.