Alianzo has updated its 2.0 Score system in order to measure the global success of Brands, Organisations, People, Media, Places and Events. We wanted to investigate which was the first tweet of the Top 10 global influencers, depending its type and sector after they created their Twitter account.
From Brands and Organisations we have chosen Unicef, Greenpeace y Blackberry from Top Alianzo:
So, which was their first tweet?
UNICEF: Sri Lanka: A catastrophe for Sri Lanka’s children trapped in northern conflict zone 2009-05-14 00:02:02
GREENPEACE: lovin’ forests 2008-08-15 22:31:26
Blackberry: Getting ready for WES 2008 in Orlando 2008-05-05 12:50:56
As we can observe, its organisation started on Twitter referring to an action they carry out in their sector. Unicef mentioned the tragedy suffered by the Sri Lanka children in the conflict zone, at the same time Greenpeace declare their love to nature. On the other hand, Blackberry started their Twitter life mentioning WES 2008, which is one of the global events they organise yearly.
Talking about organisations we want to mention the incursion of the Church in the social media world. Without doubts, before the Twitter’s arrival, the Vatican, by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications continues to transmit all the messages from the Pope and the Church through the Official Newspaper of the Church called Osservatore Romano.
The most surprising thing happened on the 28th of june in 2011 when Pope Benedict XVI wrote from an iPad to make public the launching of NEWS.VA webpage, which is the Vatican’s site to announce their news and it is translated to five languages since the beginning. @BenedictoXVI existed before this happened but this one is maintained by to spread the news related to the Pope.
Following the global People Leaders in the Alianzo’s Top we have chosen: Barack Obama, Shakira, Lady Gaga y Cristiano Ronaldo.
Barackobama: Thinking we’re only one signature away from ending the war in Iraq.
Learn more at 2007-04-29 19:04:13
But… which was his true first tweet?
Subsequently we found those two tweets, in the 18th of january, 2010, in American Red Cross Twitter account that give us more clues to find out which was his true first tweet:
“President Obama and First Lady are visiting right now our operations center for disaster”
“President Obama just give the button and send the last tweet. It was her first tweet!”
This story had a big impact in the social media when Obama admitted it was the first time he personally tweeted.
There were so many tweets from @BarackObama account written by the White House staff, but which was his real first tweet? Here you have:
This message of 122 characters whas published on his Facebook page also, but how can we identify that they are written by Barack Obama? All the messages written by him personally are signed as BO.
We want to show you also first tweets of important people from sports or media:
Shakira: Hi guys! A little late in the game but I’m starting to figure out this whole twitter thing. Finally out of the studio for a week 2009-06-12 00:19:37
ladygaga: op rehearsing for my video just dance and am now at wmc to perform at the Armani and nervous records party. But I am no nervous record! … 2008-03-27 02:56:53
Cristiano: Ola Twitter! Welcome to my new official Twitter page… 6:25am 2010-06-15 via web.
Following the ranking of influential Media Worldwide in the Alianzo’s Top we have chosen: Google, YouTube, Disney and MTV.
And… which were their first tweet?
Google: I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010 2009-02-26 00:04:18
Google’s first tweet was in binary code. Whose translation is known slogan of the Seeker “I’m feeling lucky”.
YouTube: Follow Obama’s nomination week at 2008-08-25 17:47:58
The first tweet from YouTube made mention of Obama’s Convention 2008. While that their first tweets of Disney and MTV do not have caused much impact.
Disney: Browsing the internet and replying to emails. 2007-01-27 23:50:37
MTV: Ginger or Mary Ann? 2008-09-15 04:47:33
Finally, mention only the first tweets generated of Sites and Events very important on the world as: Guggenheim NY, Museo del Prado y Benicàssim.
Guggenheim: Launching June 8, Frank Lloyd Wright’s bday, w/ a special announcement & call for global participation. Follow to hear it 1st. Please RT. 2009-06-02 16:01:54
MuseodelPrado: Open today to the public the exposure: ‘Sleeping Beauty’. 2009-02-24 12:02:08
Fiberfib (Benicàssim festival): testing (again) 2008-06-10 22:11:49
In conclusion, only to inform that the Library of Congress of USA has an archive of more than 167 ‘terabytes’ consisting of information generated on the Internet since 2000. Is in this place, where the Twitter messages are scanned and archived billions of ‘tweets’ (that is as are known to the texts of 140 characters of this social network with more than 50 million tweets daily) and will swell the basis of digital data of the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in their collections, where they will share space with other U.S. national treasures such as the ‘Declaration of Independence’ or the video of ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson.