Who are the professionals that plan the social media strategies of the largest banks in the world? And above all, how do they do on their own social networks? In Alianzo we were wandering about all this, so we have decided to analyse it.
We have selected 33 banks from the Top 50 Banks named by the prestigious finantial website, The Banker. Their Top50 has been made regarding the banks’ brand value in 2014.
For our analysis, we have recorded 53 profiles of professionals that work at these banks, including head digitals, social media managers, heads of social media, etc. Using Alianzo’s algorithm, we aim to determine who are the most influential ones among them. The ranking is leaded by Sharon O’Dea, Carlos M. Arias Mendez and Andres Cortes.
The social networks that rule among these experts are Twitter and of course, Linkedin on the professional field. The main topics which they talk about on Twitter are personal matters, social media issues and retweets of the corporate profiles of the banks where they work at.
It is quite significant and surprising for us the overall low use they make of their personal social networks. It is clear to deduce that these professionals spend more time creating and managing the social media strategies of the banks they work for, than they do spend on their personal ones.
Sharon O’Dea is Head of Digital Communications at Standard Chartered Bank. She is the one professional that has more personal social networks than the others. She even has a blog where she writes exclusively about social media. On Twitter she publishes almost everyday and usually, in more than one occasion.
Carlos M. Mendez is Digital Content & Social Media Manager at BBVA. He stands out due to his use of two networks focused on image; Instagram and Pinterest.
Andrés Arias Cortés is Head of Social Media at BBVA Spain. He is present in most of the social networks and he gets his best score on Google+.